Violent video games will be among the areas looked at by Vice President Joe Biden
Violence in video games and other aspects of pop culture in the U.S. will be among the areas examined as part of an investigation aimed at reducing gun violence in the country.
The investigation, headed by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, has been charged with producing proposals no later than the end of January on legislative action the government could take as it seeks to reduce gun violence. Biden’s work comes in reaction to the shocking killing last week of 26 people — most of them small children — at a school in Newtown, Connecticut.
“When it comes to cultural matters, that’s an area that bears exploration and is one of the areas that the president hopes will be a topic of the conversation that he wants to undertake,” said Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, at a televised press briefing on Thursday when asked by a reporter if the study would include pop culture.
As the years have progressed and video gaming has become more popular and more realistic, the games have become increasingly violent. Several of the best-selling video games involve players carrying sophisticated and powerful weaponry that’s used to kill on-screen opponents.
One of the most popular franchises — Activision’s Call of Duty — recently launched a new edition of the game and rang up sales of $1 billion in 16 days.
But there’s no simple link between such violent games and what happened in Newtown and other mass shootings in the U.S. While investigations into such shootings often uncover a possible influence from video games, violent movies or gun ownership, millions of people enjoy these things without turning violent.
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